Plaistow, West Sussex, England. Photo: Secret Chef.

(Click to enlarge)
A smart ladder which use a tree the halv way up!

Switzerland. Photo: Jodi Univers.

Stockholm. Sweden.

Photo: Björn Sahlberg.

Zurich, Switzerland.

Photo: Carolynscout.

Björkhagen, Stockholm, Sweden.
Hägerstensåsen, Stockholm, Sweden.
In my search for cat-ladders today, I biked 37,8 km (23,4 miles). I found approx 20 new ladders. Here's one of them in the suburb Midsommarkransen, just south of Stockholm, Sweden.

Click the picture to enlarge!

Castrop-Rauxel, Germany.

See more pictures of this fantastic ladder HERE.

Photo: Harry Schmidt.
Kristianstad, Sweden.
Photo: Martin Lindell.
The cat Pesto´s ladder in Northern California, USA. Photo: Becky.

I received a mail:

Hi, I built this ladder for my cat, however…… he refuses to use it (so far). Seeing your pictures I’m still hopeful and I think there are no significant technical flaws. But if you have some suggestions on how to get the cat actually to use it, I’d be interested. He was an outdoor cat for the past 3 years, but now we moved here to Washington DC, and it appears he’s afraid of heights or something.

Photo: Thomas, Washington DC, USA.

Aspudden. Stockholm, Sweden.

(Click to enlarge)
Gröndal, Stockholm, Sweden.

Great one in Switzerland.

Photo: Jodi Univers.
Bagarmossen, Stockholm, Sweden.

Photo: Robert K. Huselius.

Björkhagen, Stockholm, Sweden.

Villigen, Switzerland.

Photo: Based in Villigen.
Boris and Buster figuring out how the new cat ladder works.

Photo: Karen Lutz.

West End- Vancouver BC, Canada.

Made by FTP in Switzerland.
Nacka, Stockholm, Sweden.

Photo: Björn Lindborg.
Hoppas det är ok att låna bilden :)

BTW: There is a "katt-trappa" group at Facebook, check it out!
Somewhere in Germany.
A cute little ramp and a catflap.

Photo: Cliffski.